Ben & Clare!

Ben & Clare!
freezing ourselves in the name of art

Thursday, 26 August 2010

choosing gear

All looking at camera websites and no play makes Phil a dull boy
All looking at camera websites and no play makes Phil a dull boy
All looking at camera websites and no play makes Phil a dull boy
All looking at camera websites and no play makes Phil a dull boy
All looking at camera websites and no play makes Phil a dull boy
All looking at camera websites and no play makes Phil a dull boy
All looking at camera websites and no play makes Phil a dull boy
All looking at camera websites and no play makes Phil a dull boy
All looking at camera websites and no play makes Phil a dull boy
All looking at camera websites and no play makes Phil a dull boy
All looking at camera websites and no play makes Phil a dull boy

Monday, 16 August 2010

Through the Lens

Here's a fun photo I took yesterday. Just held my glasses up in front of the camera to see what would happen.

Monday, 9 August 2010


So, today I've been trawling the internet looking for some really cool, kind of alternative wedding albums and photobooks. I still haven't made any final decisions, but am homing in like the Stealth bomber on Airforce One, from 24 season 4 (just watched the episode where the president is taken out). Anyway, I've found a couple of funky looking places, including Kiss photobooks, which is endorsed by Mike Larson, so must be good!

Saturday, 7 August 2010

A recent photo

I took this one a month or so in Preston. The same morning, we'd gone in search of cool urban locations and spent about 5 minutes shooting in a multi-storey car-park. We got some awesome shots but unfortunately the mall-owner strode over and the NET result was I deleted the photos.
That didn't deter us too much though, so later in the day we continued out quest and found this grafittied wall on the other side of the river Ribble in Preston. Not too many chavs and a really hot day, and really please with the results :)

Wednesday, 4 August 2010

The tyrant king

Mornings are beginning very early at the moment due to the minotaur's (my son's) demands for more human flesh (milk). He's also decided that hitting is great - a point of disagreement between us, but then he is only one so what can I expect?

In terms of photography hopefully soon I'll be able to upgrade my equipment and am facing the 'red pill / blue pill' choice of stick with Canon or switch to Nikon. Hmm, dwell on this I shall ...